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Although the commentary here covers very serious subjects, the opinions and ideas expressed here are solely for entertainment purposes, usually my own.

In the future I will be adding contact information and areas for others to submit commentary. Please be patient, the United States of America was not built, nor squandered in a day. As with all things of great aspiration, the foundation must be laid with care, then, and only then, can we reach for the stars.


Purpose of essays

1. Background on Publius
   a. Roman Publius
   b. Why Publius was chosen as the author of The Federalist Papers
2. Background on The Federalist Papers
   a. The Authors
   b. Their purpose
   c. There effectiveness
   d. The differences
3. Background on Neo-Publius
   a. Foreword
   b. Purpose
   c. Rational
   d. Importance of timing
   e. Influence the elite, through the education of masses
   f. Get the public to take back the power from those who are exploiting it
   g. Use the power of Constitutional Amendments to accomplish what the politicians can’t/won’t do
   h. Return the US to former status in the world
       ->respected, envied, influential, lead in world affairs by example, take control of the future,
       ->make it better for the next generations, …
   i. How to accomplish/influence thru postal computer
       ->increase stamps to 50 cents and install intranet computers in all post offices with a new survey question every week, month
   j. Amendment to limit terms in office for Congress
   k. Amendment to pay off debt thru income tax, deemed only to pay down debt
   l. Consequences of failure to payoff debt (% rise in annual budget just for interest)
   m. What we could be funding with those interest payments
   n. Securing the future of our nation, for our children
   o. Ensuring the corruption of our values never returns
   p. Summation and concluding remarks